Project Coordination & Management
The project will be implemented by the MoALF&C involving a three-tiered institutional arrangement: National, County, and Community levels
A National Project Steering Committee (NPSC) and National Technical Advisory Committee (NTAC) will be established to provide oversight and guidance on governance and policy; and technical support respectively. This will be replicated at the County level where a County Project Steering Committee (CPSC) and County Technical Advisory Committee (CTAC) will be established. The membership, roles and responsibilities of the various institutions have been developed.
At the National Level: A National Project Coordination Unit will be established consisting of ten (10) officers responsible for day-to-day implementation of activities under the leadership of the National Project Coordinator (NPC). These will include, the National Project Coordinator, Component 1 Leader, Component 2 Leaders (Livestock, Crops and Socioeconomics/Knowledge Management and Communication Specialist), Component 3 Leader, Environmental Specialist, Social Standards Specialists, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Financial and Procurement Specialists.
At the County Level, County Governments will deploy a Project Coordinator who will also be the component leader for components 1 & 3, a technical officer who will be the component leader for component 2, a monitoring and Evaluation Officer and an Environmental and Social Safeguards Compliance Officer. The CPCU will make use of the existing technical capacity in the County in implementation of the project activities. Finance and procurement officers will be shared between ELRP and NARIGP/KCSAP.
At Community Level: This is the third level in the overall institutional structures for implementing Component 2 of the project on Livelihoods Protection and Rehabilitation. At this level community-driven development (CDD) structures will be established and or /strengthened to represent beneficiaries while taking into account the one third gender rule. To this effect, the county governments will enter into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with respective beneficiaries. All community structures must be duly registered with the relevant GoK authorities e.g. Department of Social Services. Basic literacy levels should be taken into account in the establishment of the community leadership structures. The relevant county government employees can only serve as ex-officio members, and not as elected office bearers of these community structures. These community structures will be established and or strengthened at the ward level with specific Project Management Committees (PMC) to undertake day to day implementation of community interventions