Environmental and Social Standards
The World Bank is committed towards sustainable development, which guarantees environmental protection and protection of people where development is carried out. The social integrity of the funded projects is a key pillar during the World Bank financing. The bank has developed the Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). This is the banks policy on sustainable development. It has 10 Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs) to safeguard against the social and environmental risks in its funded projects. These are namely
- ESS1-Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impact
- ESS2-Labor and Working Conditions
- ESS3-Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management
- ESS4-Community Health and Safety
- ESS5-Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement
- ESS6-Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources
- ESS7-Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities
- ESS8-Cultural Heritage
- ESS9-Financial Intermediaries
- ESS10-Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure
The Emergency Locust Response Project (ELRP) has triggered seven of these standards ESS1, ESS2, ESS3, ESS4, ESS6, ESS7 and ESS10. It has been rated HIGH on both environmental and social risks. The environmental risks are basically due to use of pesticide Fenitrithion . The social risks are mainly due to the use of the NYS personnel in spray activities and the risk of exclusion in component 2 activities on livelihood restoration and rehabilitation. The project activities must therefore comply with the triggered standards. To ensure this compliance a number of documents have been prepared- Find the documents Here