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Project Coordination and Management

Component 4: Project Coordination and Management

Overview of the Component
This chapter covers the project coordination, management, M&E and management of risks. It provides guidance of ELRP implementation aspects mentioned above. The chapter gives implementation details indicating the project coordination and management related activities that will be supported. It provides roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders that will be involved in undertaking the various coordination and management related interventions. It highlights aspects under component four of the project and its linkages to other components. This will finance NPCU and CPCU associated costs including operations and maintenance (O&M), such as office space rental charges and conservancy, purchase of vehicles and maintenance including fuel and repairs. Others include office equipment including ICT, furniture, and tools among others.

It will also finance the costs of project supervision and oversight provided by the National Project Steering Committee (NPSC), National Technical Advisory Committee (NTAC), Internal Auditing, County Project Steering Committees (CPSCs), County Technical Advisory Committee (CTAC) and any other project administration expenses. In addition, this will also facilitate project planning and budgeting; capacity building on technical and administrative matters; financial management and audit; procurement; development of Monitoring and Evaluation frameworks, plans and manuals; targeted studies; technical backstopping; Consultancies for development of relevant project documents and systems (project management and information system and Environmental and Social Standards Frameworks/Plans among others) , targeted studies, data collection; field monitoring and evaluation including support missions; environmental and social management, and communication.