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Desert Locust Surveillance and Control Measures

Component 1: Desert Locust Surveillance and Control Measures

The objective of this component is to limit the growth of existing climate-change-induced Desert Locust populations and also to curb their spread. Activities to be undertaken will include continuous surveillance, monitoring, field control operations, training and capacity building to teams involved in desert locust operations. Appropriate reporting protocols will be developed for use during the implementation of the activities.

The Locust Command Centre (LCC), which consists of entomology and plant protection scientists, is established at the PPS Division of Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives (MoALF&C) and will be in charge of the day-to-day emergency operations related to surveillance and control of the desert locust invasion. The LCC will also be pivotal in the required leverage with development partners in mobilization of additional resources and expertise.

The available expertise in the country will be harnessed through the Multi-Institutional Technical Team (MITT), which was established under the Plant Protection Services (PPS) Division by the Ministry. The team will include wide representation from national and county government departments, national and regional research institutions, regulatory bodies, universities and development partners. The MITT will provide technical and policy guidance during the implementation of surveillance and control operations. A coordinated approach will be adopted with active stakeholder engagement at all levels.

It is recognized that most efforts in locust control involve wide usage of pesticides. Therefore, the institutional arrangements under LCC and MITT will be instrumental in the acquisition, utilization and management of appropriate pesticides and associated equipment. However, taking cognizance of the likely side effects emanating from inherent toxicity and inappropriate use of pesticides, all precautions will be taken to minimize risks on human health, livestock, wildlife and the environment whilst also seeking alternative control measures.