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Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation

The overall goal of the ELRP Monitoring and & Evaluation system is to improve on the design and performance of the project (formative evaluation), to make an overall judgment about the effectiveness of the completed project (summative evaluation), and to generate knowledge about good practices (lessons learned). Monitoring & Evaluation will be an integral tool for managing and accessing the efficiency and effectiveness of the project interventions. The project will establish an automated M&E system (MIS) whose main functions will be data collection, analysis, and reporting. The system will provide the foundation for an evidence-based decision-making process while delivering information and knowledge necessary to inform stakeholders on project performance. The M&E function will develop a monitoring and evaluation manual; and Performance Monitoring Plan (PMP) for efficient and effective tracking of project implementation progress.
In addition to routine monitoring, non-routine assessments (annual, midterm and end term) will be conducted to obtain the relevant data. Evaluation studies will be undertaken focusing on the key performance indicators with a purpose of assessing the project performance focusing on both the outcome and intermediate indicators highlighted below:

Outcome Indicators: The following are the outcome indicators:

  • Land area (ha) sprayed for locust control (Hectare(Ha))
  • Land area (ha) of affected pasture/rangeland restored to productivity (Hectare(Ha)
  • Land area (ha) of affected agricultural land restored to productivity (Hectare(Ha)

Intermediate Outcome Indicators: The following are the intermediate outcome indicators:

  • Locust monitoring system operational (Yes/No) (Yes/No)
  • Control teams (Number) trained in safe use of pesticides (Number)
  • Affected farmers (number) receiving input packets (Number)
  • Affected livestock holding households (number) receiving emergency fodder and fodder seeds (Number)
  • Affected livestock holding households (number) receiving replacement livestock (Number)
  • Awareness raising communications campaigns conducted (Yes/No)
  • Locust Control Unit fully established at the National Level
  • Number of Counties that have established Desert Locust Control Units at the County Level