Project Components and Sub-Components
Component 1: (Re-) Building Resilient Agricultural Production Capacity (US$55 million)
Aims to strengthen the resilience of Kenya’s domestic food supply to climate change and other shocks and stressors by fostering more climate-resilient agricultural production and related supporting services
- Subcomponent 1.1: Data and Digital Agriculture Systems at the National and County Levels (US$15 million)
- Subcomponent 1.2: Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies and Services (US$15 million)
- Subcomponent 1.3: Community Engagement and Technology Transfer Including through Digitization (US$25 million)
Component 2: Supporting the Sustainable Development of Natural Resources for Resilient Agricultural Landscapes (US$30 million)
This component aims to enhance the sustainable management of natural resources by investing in water conservation and rangeland management interventions identified as priorities by existing county integrated development plans (CIDPs)
- Subcomponent 2.1: Water Availability for Crops and Livestock (US$15 million)
- Subcomponent 2.2: Rangeland Management for Crops and Livestock (US$15 million).
Component 3: Getting to Market (US$40 million)
This component aims to improve physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food by improving crop and livestock farmers’ access to domestic and international markets
- Subcomponent 3.1: Strengthening of Farmer Producer Organizations (US$15 million)
- Component 3.2: Market Infrastructure and Enterprise Development (US$10 million)
- Subcomponent 3.3: Creditworthiness of Crop and Livestock Farmers (US$15 million)
Component 4: Promoting a Greater Focus on Food Systems Resilience in National and Regional Policymaking (US$10 million)
This component will promote policy reforms relating to agricultural commercialization and climate resilience by building the government’s institutional and technical capacity to develop, update, and implement relevant policies and legal texts.
- Subcomponent 4.1: Prioritization of Food System Resilience in Public Policy and Spending (US$5 million)
- Subcomponent 4.2: Institutional Capacity for the Implementation of Resilience-Enhancing Policies (US$5 million).
Component 5: Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC) (US$0)
This component will finance eligible expenditures in the event of an emergency precipitated by a disaster
Component 6: Project Management and Coordination (USD 15 million)
- Subcomponent 6.1: Coordination and Management (USD 10 million)
- Subcomponent 6.2 Project Monitoring, learning, knowledge management, and Cross-cutting Issues: (USD 5 million)